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Ring Sizing

MONVATOO London design is all about the love in creatures, ancient empires, and the whimsical of fantasy world.

You can wear your little creature on any finger! On your ring finger, your middle finger, your index finger, your pinky finger and even your thumb! That’s right, all our rings are one size fits all (adjustable-band), allowing you to wear them on the finger of your choice. To adjust your ring size, simply press the base of the ring band outward or inward to increase or decrease the ring diameter to fit the finger you want to wear it on. You can also visit a jeweller who can easily do this for you. If you have any further questions, just drop us a line at and we’ll get back to you.

All our dragon rings come with adjustable band. However the normal size dragon ring looks best on finger size M-UK or 6-USA and above. While our baby dragon ring looks best on finger size J 1/2-UK or 5-USA and below.

Buying for a gift

If you are eyeing our ring for someone, the best way is to ask him or her for their ring size. However, if you are planning a surprise, here is the hint.

The average women ring size ranges from size J to O-UK (5 to 7-USA) while size M-UK (6-USA) is the most popular. For men, the average ring size ranges from size Q to U-UK (8 to 10-USA) with size T-UK (9-USA) being the most popular. You can also secretly measuring a ring they already wear. 😉

Measure your ring size

1. Use a measuring tape to measure the base of your finger. If you don’t have one, you can use a non-stretch string or paper strip
2. Wrap a string or paper around the base of your finger
3. Mark the point where the ends meet with a pen
4. Measure the length of the string or paper with a ruler
5. Use our ring size conversion chart to find out your ring size

Finger size may changes depending on the time of the day and the weather. The best time to measure your finger is in the evening when your fingers are warm.
If your knuckle is much larger than the base of your finger, take 2 separate measurements and choose a size in between.

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